Want to delegate fraud management by department, time zone, or transaction type?
Fraud.net’s Team Management feature allows you to maximize your fraud management efficiency as a global brand.
With Team Management, users can be grouped together based on the types of transactions they review, or lines of business they support.
And, you can toggle the data points they can view and set expiration settings based on the days of the week and hours worked in each time zone, including holidays.
Why is this Important?
Better organization leads to better fraud management. With team management, you can delegate reviews to teams dedicated to a particular transaction pathway or geolocation. Because each team is focused on a specific vector, they can review flagged transactions much more quickly, increasing your fraud departments’ productivity and decreasing your fraud rates. Furthermore, they can more easily spot areas that need more attention, or fraud rules that need to be improved for a particular vector.
Want to learn more about fraud team management? Contact one of our solutions specialists today to see how our platform can help you.
Transaction AI
Real-time transaction monitoring and identity verification to mitigate transaction fraud schemes.
- Rapid and accurate risk scoring
- AI-powered rules engine
- Identity verification and transaction history
- AML monitoring
Application AI
Efficient and accurate verification to combat loan and application fraud schemes, including synthetic identities.
- Stem application and synthetic identity fraud with identity verification
- Quickly review and risk-score applications
- Auto-approve/deny features