Gain Perspective on Your Transactions
Dark Web Intelligence

The Solution
The Dark Web generally refers to vast overlay networks operating beyond the visible internet through which illegal products and services — a nearly infinite supply of stolen payment cards, identities, medical records, social media accounts and other data — can be acquired, sold and re-sold. Is the identity used to open your last account or complete your last transaction among them? monitors Dark Web activity using structured and unstructured methods. These programs can often yield ‘early warnings’ of data breaches, alert merchants of the risk that new transactions are using known stolen identities, and track changes in tactics employed by the purveyors of illegal data.
Dark Web Monitoring
deep learning models.
$14.7 Trillion
by AI’s early adopters. Don’t lose out.
Real-Time Protection
Flexible and modular verification is necessary to enable merchants to confirm a user’s identity, order details, and purchasing methods.
Frictionless Commerce
Advanced technology enables organizations to test ‘intelligent’ commerce’ by thrilling customers with even greater convenience and speed.
Anomaly Detection
A big part of building a threat intelligence program is identifying anomalies quickly, with certainty, and auto-triggering counter-measures.
The Dark Web's Risk to Your Business
A nearly infinite supply of stolen payment cards and identities can be acquired on the dark web. The cost of an identity can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the detail. Many sellers offer guarantees as to the data’s validity and will provide replacement identities if out of date or inaccurate. Escrow services are available for larger purchases and fraud-as-a-service, using local proxy servers, can further improve the odds of illicit transactions getting past anti-fraud systems.
Monitoring programs can also be customized within certain bounds to address gift card and digital product theft, the sale of credentials and customer data by insiders, and other specific merchant challenges.

Early Adopters Will Win Big
As computer processing power has increased, so has the ability to analyze large data sets. It is now possible to successfully analyze billions of transactions, account openings and other financial events, in real time and at scale.’s AI team specializes in techniques known as ‘deep learning’ as artificial neural networks have many layers of simulated interconnected neurons.
Early AI adopters have higher sales growth and profit margins — and the performance gap with the laggards is expected to widen further.