Get perspective on your transaction
Global Address Intelligence

The Solution
Addresses are often the single most important indicators of risk in a digital transaction. Empty houses are often used as drop points for fraudulent orders and individuals sometimes inadvertently take work as re-shippers from home.
Additionally, 1.4 billion packages and pieces of mail were marked “return to sender” last year and the total cost to merchants exceeded $20 billion.
Address Verification & Normalization
after materials, manpower and shipping costs.
1.4 billion
$20 billion
packages to merchants in the US
Real-Time Protection
Flexible and modular verification is necessary to enable merchants to confirm a user’s identity, order details, and purchasing methods.
Frictionless Commerce
Advanced technology enables organizations to test ‘intelligent’ commerce’ by thrilling customers with even greater convenience and speed.
Anomaly Detection
A big part of building a threat intelligence program is identifying anomalies quickly, with certainty, and auto-triggering counter-measures.
Address Validation, Normalization, and Verification
Address standardization, validation, normalization, and historical activity is essential to establishing the legitimacy (and deliverability) of your account and transaction.
The cleaner your data, the smoother your operations are likely to be. In e-commerce and bank account openings, address validation, verification, and normalization is a key component. Reduce your risks of undeliverable packages, which often runs into the millions for larger enterprises. For banks, it is a critical part of KYC and AML processes.

Cleaner, More Accurate Data
The cleaner your data, the smoother your operations are likely to be. In e-commerce and bank account openings, address validation, verification, and normalization is a key component. Reduce your risks of undeliverable packages, which often runs into the millions for larger enterprises. For banks, it is a critical part of KYC and AML processes.

Make Better Decisions
Professional fraud rings have long been attacking merchants, shipping high-value goods to vacant homes, changing neighborhoods and IPs to circumvent existing detection efforts.
Professionals and opportunists can both be quickly exposed using machine learning, collective intelligence and ‘linked-entity’ analyses, all available in’s real-time enterprise detection and analytics platform.