Return Fraud
$15 Billion
Return fraud costs all merchants as much as $15 billion and include such schemes as returning stolen merchandise for cash, stealing receipts or receipt tape to falsify returns, and “wardrobing” or “free renting,” where consumers purchase, use, then return an item. This behavior can be largely stopped by unifying POS or e-commerce purchasing data, merging it with the return event details, then applying a combination of machine learning, geolocation analysis, anomaly detection and in-store/website business rules.
Products to Ensure Trust and Beat Fraud
at Every Step of the Customer Lifecycle
Choose one or combine them for even stronger protection.
Return Fraud and Policy Abuse
Most stores’ internet retail operations do not have the same return policy as their brick-and-mortar operations. They often have different processes to dealing with products being returned and put back into inventory. These gaps in controls open up opportunities for fraudsters to exploit your processes.

Unlock Extraordinary Opportunities
Deep in the terabytes of data your organization produces every day, there are hidden, potentially game-changing, insights.
Unifying data and extracting intelligence is now possible using modern technology. Deep dive into your business with more granularity than you thought possible. Innovations will become clearer and strategies will become more obvious.