Insider Threats
$2 Trillion
Organizations lose 5% of their annual revenues to fraud. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimate total global fraud losses of nearly $5 trillion. Among the various kinds of fraud that organizations might be faced with, occupational fraud is likely the largest and most prevalent threat. Occupational fraud – fraud committed against the organization by its own officers or employees – constitutes an attack against the organization from within, by the very people who were entrusted to protect its assets and resources.
Products to Ensure Trust and Beat Fraud
at Every Step of the Customer Lifecycle
Choose one or combine them for even stronger protection.
A C-Level Priority
For digital merchants and financial services companies, applying best practices in the controls and compliance — which includes the monitoring of call centers, fulfillment centers and any other group involved in the approval or processing of transactions or applications — is a must. Approximately half of insider-assisted fraud costs are due to negligence rather than willful misconduct, but in either case, the damage is significant.
Best practices to mitigate insider threats using’s end-to-end anti-fraud system include:
1) generate transaction and account audits,
2) create risk and compliance processes,
3) establish workflows, structure, and accountability,
4) analyze activity by operational group,
5) manage findings, remediation plans, and exceptions,
6) enable faster reaction times to mitigate emerging risks, and
7) create a more secure and resilient environment,
all while reducing costs.

Unlock Extraordinary Opportunities
Deep in the terabytes of data your organization produces every day, there are hidden, potentially game-changing, insights.
Unifying data and extracting intelligence is now possible using modern technology. Deep dive into your business with more granularity than you thought possible. Innovations will become clearer and strategies will become more obvious.