Fraud News Roundup: June 4, 2021 – June 17, 2021

Below is a curated listing of recent fraud-related news and items that the team is talking about, to help keep you abreast of stories and information that may impact your organization. 

Largest Password Listing Posted

Purportedly the largest collection of hacked passwords ever was recently leaked. The perpetrators revealed the listing of 8.4 billion passwords in a hacker forum in early June.

Toronfraud newsto Hospital Hit by Ransomware Attack

Humber River Hospital in Toronto was hit with a ransomware attack leading to a loss of critical services, including accessing patient records and test results. The attack also impacted emergency room operations.

CVS Health Breach Exposes 1 Billion Records

An online database that was not password protected led to the exposure of over 1 billion records of CVS Health. The information included visitor IDs, session IDS, along with a variety of other sensitive information. 

Chinese Cyber Attack Impact Broader Than Anticipated 

An April cyberespionage campaign thought to originate in China was more extensive than initially understood. New information reveals that Verizon and other high-profile organizations were also impacted. 

Game Giant Electronic Arts Hacked Through Slackfraud news

Hackers lifted 780GB of data from Electronic Arts through stolen cookies and then accessed data via their Slack channels. The criminals were then able to have the IT support team provide them MFA tokens by claiming to have lost their phones. 

McDonalds Target of Attack in the US, South Korea, and Taiwan

Criminals stole employee and delivery customer information from McDonald’s franchises operating in South Korea and Taiwan. In the US, McDonald’s employees’ contact information was compromised. Operations were not impacted, and ransomware was not involved in the attack.

Volkswagen and Audi Data Breach

Volkswagen disclosed that 3.3 million customer and prospect data for Audi vehicles were exposed in a recent breach. The incident likely occurred through a vulnerability originating from an associate vendor.

fraud news

Puerto Rico Power Grid Targeted in DDOS Attack

A targeted distributed denial-of-service attack recently disrupted the customer website and mobile applications for the operator of Puerto Rico’s power grid, LUMA Energy. 

Mystery Malware Data Trove Discovered

A hoard of sensitive data, over 1.2TB, containing login credentials, browser cookies, autofill data, and payment information that was extracted by malware has been discovered by researchers. 

Pharmacy Benefits Manager Compromised

New information on a breach at CaptureRX now shows over 2 million consumers’ personal information was exposed in an apparent ransomware attack.

Fight Fraud Efficiently with’s suite of products helps protect businesses from many different types of fraud and can benefit your business no matter the industry – eCommerce, banking, marketing, and more. Powered by AI and Machine Learning, you can fight fraud efficiently and save both your reputation and your profits.

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