Credit Fraud Rings

7 Top Credit Fraud Rings

When it comes to financial fraud, the numbers are staggering. For example, one…

gift card fraud prevention

Gift Card Fraud: Opportunities and Concerns

By 2021, the global market for gift cards is expected to grow to over $500…

Friendly Fraud Report

Report: 2020 Benchmarking Study on "Friendly Fraud"

This comprehensive study examines the types, frequency and patterns of…

credit card fraud detection

7 Steps For Preventing Credit Card Fraud

Economic and health uncertainties will continue to shape the post-COVID world.…

Fake Email Invoice

How to Spot Fraudulent Email Invoices

Business email compromise is a type of fraud that has increased drastically…

loan application fraud

Top 7 Steps for Preventing Loan Application Fraud

While some loan applicants default for legitimate reasons, some criminals apply…

chargeback representment

Chargeback Representment: Fighting Bogus Chargebacks

Chargebacks are so common that most customer-minded merchants consider them a…

Fraud Motive, Opportunity, and Rationalization Rising Post Covid

COVID-19 is giving way to a surge in fraud, with new types of fraud appearing…

invoice fraud prevention

5 Steps for Invoice Fraud Prevention

Invoice fraud and vendor fraud are widespread, costly, and sometimes difficult…

Machine Learning for Fraud Prevention

In the News: Machine Learning for Fraud Prevention - Combat Payments Fraud in the Cloud

Financial services customers are operating with faster speed and greater…