As we head into 2020, it’s clear that nothing much has changed in the cybersecurity community: threats are still very real, and the hunger for experienced security professionals remains high.

Experts suggest that the coming year’s landscape will feel very much like a continuation of 2019, as far as cybersecurity and DevOps roles are concerned.

Let’s break down some of the core issues facing the cybersecurity arena in 2020:

IP Protection Matters

Enterprise IT strategist Brad Snow thinks 2020 will be the year that companies start paying strict attention to what’s being compromised. While stolen user data will always dominate the headlines (especially the biggest hacks), just as big a threat is intellectual property being stolen.

“Although it’s difficult to assign an exact value to the amount of intellectual property that is stolen annually, we can all agree it is astronomical,” Snow said. “In response, worldwide enterprise security spending is forecasted to grow to $124 billion this year. Organizations cannot place the entire burden of security on IT teams. Everyone that has a device connected to the internet needs to be trained on how to keep the organization safe. There are a ton of programs that will enable leadership to engage every employee on the basics of security.”

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