social media intelligence tools

These Are the 6 Best Uses for Social Media Intelligence Tools

Social media has connected the world in a way that’s unprecedented in human…

chargeback protection

This Is Why Chargeback Protection is So Important

Chargeback fraud is a textbook example of taking advantage of an honor system…

Spear Phishing

Stop Spear Phishing Attacks Against your Financial Institution with Smarter Tools

Spear phishing attacks against financial institutions are getting more targeted…

Invoice Fraud

eBook: Understanding and Preventing Invoice Fraud

According to the FBI, the amounts of money criminals have been trying to…

banking fraud prevention

These Are the Top 5 Methods of Banking Fraud Prevention

Banks and other large financial institutions have provided a juicy target for…

fraud detection using machine learning

This is the Latest Advancement in Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning

The Federal Trade Commission reported that 2020 saw 2.2 million reports of…

email monitoring

What Gets Monitored, Gets Protected - Advanced Continuous Email Monitoring to Prevent Invoice Fraud and Phishing

Peter Drucker famously said, "What gets measured, gets managed.” This concept…

AI-generated phishing

Stopping AI-generated Phishing and Other New Phishing Schemes Requires a Strong Shield

Training sessions on how to spot phishing attacks help employees recognize…

Invoice Fraud and Business Email Compromise (BEC)

6 Actions to Shield your Company from Invoice and Payment Fraud

Reducing Invoice Fraud requires a strong shield With invoice and payment fraud…