Invoice Fraud

eBook: Understanding and Preventing Invoice Fraud

According to the FBI, the amounts of money criminals have been trying to…

Insider Fraud

eBook: 8 Actions to Take Now to Reduce Insider Fraud

The most damaging and challenging fraud to detect and prevent? Insider…

Canada Bank Phishing

eBook: Fighting Canada's Big Phishing Problem

While estimates vary, some believe Canadians are the target of up to 66%…

MinorityReport Pre-Crime Fraud Detection

eBook: How AI is Making Pre-Crime Fraud Detection a Reality

The movie Minority Report showed a future where criminals were charged prior…

Avoiding Fake Invoices: Three Major Cases of Invoice Fraud In 2020

Invoice fraud occurs when a fraudster attempts to change the payment details of…

AI and fraud detection

4 Ways AI Creates Convincing Frauds and How It Can Help

What if the moon landing hadn’t gone as planned? MIT experts made alternative…

Increased Fraud Will Be The New Normal Post Covid-19

Will fraud be the new normal for businesses in a post-covid world? In a…