what is application fraud

What Is Application Fraud: Understanding Its Impact on Businesses

Application fraud is a big problem for businesses, and it’s only getting worse.…

what is transaction monitoring

What Is Transaction Monitoring and Why Is It Crucial in AML?

In 2022, money laundering-related penalties worldwide reached $22 billion…

fraud detection software for banks

Fraud Detection Software for Banks Should Include AI

Financial fraud is a genuine concern for banks, payment providers, and other…

mobile payment fraud

4 Steps to Prevent Mobile Payment Fraud

For many financial institutions, offering convenient methods like mobile…

how do you protect your clients from wire fraud

How To Protect Your Business From Wire Fraud

Cases of wire transfer fraud have dramatically increased in recent…

real-time payments

Fraud Is the Leading Risk for Real-Time Payments

The rise of real-time payments comes with increased real-time risks, most…

real-time fraud prevention

Real-Time Payments Require Real-Time Fraud Prevention

Fraud is the leading risk for real-time payments. Learn how to protect your…

machine learning for fraud detection

Using Machine Learning To Prevent Identity Theft

Leverage AI and machine learning for fraud detection to combat rising identity…


FRAML: When Fraud Meets Money Laundering

Companies tend to keep their fraud and AML teams separate, but could it hinder…