
Mitigating Ransomware Risks With Fraud.net's Email AI

Taking a proactive approach to ransomware can save your organization.…

online fraud solution

The Online Fraud Solution You Need - Detecting Fraud with Transaction AI

Combat online fraud with Transaction AI. Due to the many advances in technology…

fraud detection software

How to Choose Fraud Detection Software

Look for these major factors when selecting your organization’s fraud detection…

Fraud NEws

Fraud News Roundup: May 3 - 20, 2021

Keep up to date with the latest fraud-related news.  Android Application…

fraud detection using machine learning

This is the Latest Advancement in Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning

The Federal Trade Commission reported that 2020 saw 2.2 million reports of…

gift card fraud prevention

Gift Card Fraud: Opportunities and Concerns

By 2021, the global market for gift cards is expected to grow to over $500…

credit card fraud detection

7 Steps For Preventing Credit Card Fraud

Economic and health uncertainties will continue to shape the post-COVID world.…