aml in banks

AML in Banks: Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) has existed as long as money laundering itself, in…

transaction monitoring

Transaction Monitoring: The Key to Effective Risk Management

Transaction monitoring is a required activity for financial institutions and…

card not present fraud

Card-Not-Present Fraud: Latest Trends & Prevention Strategies

This year, analysts estimate that card-not-present fraud will account for…

rules-based fraud detection

Bridging the Gap: Incorporating AI/ML into Rules-Based Fraud Detection Models

Rules-based fraud detection and risk management models are ubiquitous in…

rules based fraud detection

eBook: Outsmart Financial Fraud with AI and Rules-Based Fraud Detection

Modernize your fraud prevention with the best of both worlds. Despite our…

how to use machine learning for fraud detection

How to Use Machine Learning for Fraud Detection and Prevention

One reason why fraud is so difficult to combat is that it’s always changing and…

Fraud prevention for wealth managers

Fraud Prevention for Wealth Management: Leveraging AI Technology

In the dynamic world of finance, fraud prevention for wealth management has…

insurance fraud

Tackling Insurance Fraud: Effective Detection Methods

Insurance fraud is a pervasive issue that plagues the insurance industry. In…

recession fraud

Video eBook: How do Recessions, Inflation, and War Impact Fraud?

Recession-proof your business before the next crisis hits.  Every 1%…