Debit Card

A debit card, also known as a bank card, plastic card, or check card is a payment card that can be used as an alternative to cash when making any purchase transactions. Physically, it looks quite similar to a credit card, however, unlike a credit card, the money is transferred directly from the bank account of cardholders when making a purchase transaction.

Debit Card Fraud

Debit card fraud is any kind of fraud where debit card accounts are accessed by fraudsters without the account owner's authorization in order to manipulate or usually drain their funds. Debit card fraud is quiet easy to commit due to the fact that a debit card's information can be gained with ease.

Dedicated Hosting

A dedicated hosting service, also known as a dedicated server or a managed hosting service, is basically an Internet hosting structure where the customer leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is even more flexible when compared to shared hosting, since with dedicated hosting organizations have full access and control over the server(s) and all hardware involved with them.

Deep Fake

A technology that overlays a video with different audio or video, in order to make a real-looking video of somebody saying or doing something. A famous example could be a deepfake of Nancy Pelosi (in May 2019) that caught a lot of news attention before being recognized as an authentic-seeming deepfake.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is an artificial intelligence function that imitates the workings of the human brain in processing data and creating patterns for use in decision making. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled.

Deep Web

The Deep Web, What is it?

The entirety of the web that is not accessible by search engines. Regular browsers, like Google and Bing, search the so-called “surface web", defined by public links, and the search stops there. The "Deep Web" and "Dark Web" are more in-depth, allow for privacy, and serve different purposes. When discussing them, it is important to remember their distinctions, as there are many. 

The "deep" portion of the web is just like it sounds — below the surface and not completely dark. For instance, online banking pages, legal and government documents, or scientific reports have no reason to be indexed. Personal emails and secure information, like bank statements, can also not be searched.  

The dark web represents a sliver of the deep web, and while many of its websites are generally harmless, it is often associated with illegal activities, only accessible via the Tor browser, and such sites can lead to serious consequences.Dark Web vs. Deep Web Inforgraphic

The Dark Web's Risk to Your Business

A nearly infinite supply of stolen payment cards and identities can be acquired on the dark web. The cost of an identity can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the detail. Many sellers offer guarantees as to the data’s validity and will provide replacement identities if out of date or inaccurate. Escrow services are available for larger purchases and fraud-as-a-service, using local proxy servers, can further improve the odds of illicit transactions getting past anti-fraud systems.

Monitoring programs can also be customized within certain bounds to address gift card and digital product theft, the sale of credentials and customer data by insiders, and other specific merchant challenges.

Learn More, and Protect Your Business

To learn more, visit the Dark Web Monitoring page on our website, and contact us today to speak with a Fraud Prevention Specialist


Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)

A denial-of-service or DoS is any category of attack in which hackers or attackers endeavor to prevent authentic users from retrieving the service. Within a DoS attack, the hacker or attacker typically sends extreme messages requesting the network or server to validate the requirements that actually have unacceptable arrival addresses, which can overload a system and block even authentic users from being validated to access the service.

Derived Identification

Derived Identification is the term for a unique verification device that is stored within your phone, and is used to identify that a person logging into something or making a purchase has access that phone at that moment. Its primary purpose is simply for authorization purposes, like a kind of multi-factor authentication.

Device Cloning

Device cloning is the practice of producing an accurate copy of any application driver. The term can be used to indicate a body, software design or an application that has roles and behavior related to another body or application driver, however, it does not comprise the real source code of body or the apprehensive program.

Device Emulator

A device emulator is defined as a software or hardware that allows a computer system (named host) to perform as a different computer system (named guest). A device emulator generally allows the host system to use the software or peripheral devices intended for the guest system. This system allows fraudsters to repeat multiple attempts at login, signup or payment with with different parameters so they don’t get blocked, as they make it seem as if a different computer is continuing to attempt the log-ins.

Device ID

A device ID or device identification is a unique number related to a cell phone or to the handheld device itself. Device IDs are separate from the hardware serial numbers. It could be a mixture of a number of elements and it is also able to include an inception to allow incomplete advancements.

Device Intelligence

An intelligent device is basically any type of equipment, instrument, or machine that has its own computing capability. The existing grade of intelligent devices is quite wide-ranging, and in addition to personal and handheld computers, the almost infinite list of possible intelligent devices includes cars, medical instruments, geological equipment, and home appliances.