Few of us will look back wistfully at 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic created havoc and brought challenges by the dozens. Politicians speak of “(n)ever letting a crisis go to waste.” Unfortunately, criminals were taking the same advice, using the uncertainty and fear around the COVID pandemic to cash in. COVID fraud has become the norm.

Despite the tragedies and heartbreaks amidst the pandemic, it did provide us with some cyber-fraud lessons. It also showed which companies had cyber-resilience across their people, processes, and technologies to help them survive and thrive during the pandemic. From these lessons, we’ve created a guide to 2021, and the future, as the pandemic leaves behind a different world.

Highlights of this Webinar include:

  • Challenges, changes, and lessons learned in 2020
  • COVID fraud schemes – Be prepared for tomorrow!
  • The new “normal” post-vaccine
  • COVID, fraud, & the future
  • Fraud prevention changes needed for 2021 and beyond
  • and more!

This 15-minute free webinar is an overview of the vital changes in fraud prevention for businesses across the world due to COVID-19. Make sure your business is protected and prepared for 2021 and beyond.